Legacy Giving
Leaving a gift in your will to Kaleidoscope Theatre for Young People is a meaningful & impactful way to ensure that Kaleidoscope remains a vital part of introducing young people to the power of live professional theatre on Vancouver Island.
Be a Part of Growing Generations of Theatre Lovers
Through our productions and theatre training, we strive to bring together communities, creative innovative theatre experiences, ensure a healthy professional theatre community in Victoria and inspire young people with the work they see on our stages.
Since 1973 Kaleidoscope has delighted the imaginations of over 3 million young people around the world and in our home of Victoria, BC.
There are more than one million Canadians alive today who have chosen to leave bequests to their favourite causes and charities. Gifts of all size make a meaningful impact in the work that we do. After ensuring the well-being of your family, friends and loved ones, consider making a bequest. If you’re a long-time Kaleidoscope supporter – and perhaps a donor as well – we invite you to consider leaving a gift in your will to Kaleidoscope Theatre Productions Society!