The Incredible Adventures of Mary Jane Mosqutio

By Tomson Highway

Directed by Jessica Schacht

May 7-12, 2024 | Esquimalt Gorge Park

Running Time:Approximately 45 minutes with no intermission.

Photos and the videotaping or other video or audio recording of this production is strictly prohibited. Please turn off all phones and refrain from using them for the duration of the performance.

Embarking on this theatrical adventure, we are reminded of the enduring magic that storytelling and imagination bring to life and the transformative experience that live theatre offers. Over the past five decades, Kaleidoscope has remained committed to igniting the imaginations of young minds, nurturing creativity, and fostering a lifelong love for the arts.

As we reflect on our fifty-year journey of bringing stories to life, I express immense gratitude for the unwavering support of our audiences. Your presence and encouragement make these moments truly special. Thank you for choosing to be a part of our 50th Anniversary celebration and for playing an integral role in the vibrant Kaleidoscope community.

As we mark this significant milestone, I invite you to consider making a charitable donation today. Your contribution, regardless of its size, will have a meaningful impact, enabling us to continue inspiring and enriching the lives of young audiences through the enchanting world of theatre. Visit our website or speak with a staff member today to contribute and ensure that the transformative power of the arts continues to shine on our stage.

Here's to 50 years of sparking imagination, creating unforgettable memories, and inspiring generations to come. Thank you for being an essential part of our extraordinary journey.

Warm regards,

-Pat Rundell, Executive & Artistic Director

I hope you’ll enjoy the beautiful songs and words of acclaimed Cree playwright Tomson Highway, brought to life by this incredible creative team. Having the opportunity to revisit this show has been a blessing - like catching up with an old friend. It's my hope that it brings a similar feeling to the communities that will gather and share these songs.In bringing this show to life, I’ve had the opportunity to be nourished by what Mary Jane Mosquito learns - it’s important to give back, to share your gifts with the world, to love yourself, and above all, to be kind. The desire to make friends and the desire to connect are something we can all relate to - young or old. I hope you are delighted and inspired by the journey Mary Jane Mosquito undertakes to find companionship and connection. We invite you in to receive the lessons Mary Jane learns from her family, and to help her in her quest to give back.

Welcome to the Incredible Adventures of Mary Jane Mosquito!

- Jessica Schacht, Director

Meet the Cast and Creative Team

Kelsey Cain

Kelsey Cain

Stage Manager

Danica Charlie

Mary Jane Mosquito

Abby Corpus

Music Director

Alice Hawes

Costume Design


Lyle John

Original Language Keeper
Andrea Lemus

Andrea Lemus


Patricia Reilly

Set Design

Jessica Schacht



Aaron Smail

Sound Design

George Scott

Production Manager

Tomson Highway


Pat Rundell


About Kaleidoscope Theatre

For five decades, Kaleidoscope Theatre for Young People has been the pillar of professional family entertainment on Vancouver Island. Established in 1973, Kaleidoscope has continuously inspired young audiences through our innovative, imaginative, and original theatrical experiences.

Founded in 1973 by Barbara McLauchlin and Paul Liittich, Kaleidoscope began with a vision to offer theatre workshops to children. Since then, the company has grown to become Victoria’s premier producer of Theatre for Young Audiences.

In our inaugural year, Kaleidoscope launched with a series of free drama workshops and toured two short plays, The Pirate Show and The Magic Stone, to local schools. Elizabeth Gorrie, our first Artistic Director, joined the team in 1974, shaping the company's artistic mandate to provide innovative and exploratory drama for young people.

Kaleidoscope's commitment to our mandate is unwavering, seeking to create theatre that surprises, challenges, and engages young minds intellectually and aesthetically. Today, Kaleidoscope continues to shine as a vital force in the arts community, inspiring generations of young audiences and artists alike.

Originally a touring company, Kaleidoscope’s work has been seen around the world, touring to Japan, Singapore, Israel, New York, Philadelphia, Washington D.C., across Canada, performing in Toronto, Ottawa at the National Arts Centre, London, Winnipeg, Montreal, Vancouver, and every city and town in British Columbia.

Kaleidoscope has produced over 300 plays, many of which are world premieres, and have entertained, inspired and educated over 3 million children around the world.


  • As a charitable non-profit organisation, Kaleidoscope relies on philanthropic and corporate support to ensure the strength and vitality of the company. Thank you to our supporters who believe in the magic of live theatre! If you feel you have been omitted in error, have questions or concerns, or wish to make a donation, please contact Amanda at 250.383.8124.


  • David Zussman & Sheridan Scott
  • Keith & Jennifer MacLeod
  • Pat Rundell
  • Willy McCrea

$200 - $499

  • Yvette Guigueno
  • Christina Haska
  • Erica Kjekstad
  • Joan Rafferty

$100 - $199

  • Barb Prescott
  • F W Samis
  • Wes Johnson

$50 - $99

  • Fraser Black
  • Deborah Dosil
  • Catherine Gerus
  • Dawn Lang
  • Karen Manders
  • James Murray
  • Sarah Savidant
  • Katie Shaw
  • Karrie Wolfe

$20 - $49

  • Olivia Anderson
  • Christina Arsens
  • Anita Buljubasic
  • Ryan Britton
  • Kylie Buday
  • Erin Crowley
  • Cam Culham
  • Dana Dempster
  • Laura Devine
  • Therese Favreau
  • Jennifer Finlay
  • Susan Ghitan
  • Michelle Jennings

  • Richard Knight
  • Stanislav Konorov
  • Kyle Kushnir
  • Jennifer Langley
  • Brenda Leslie
  • Ken Marr
  • Yvon Ng-How-Tseung
  • Cameron Reid
  • Kaisha Scofield
  • Janice Shaski
  • Kelsey Stiefvater
  • Genevieve Von Petzinger
  • Lesley Wicks
  • Carla Yaxley
  • Anonymous

Reflects donations received June 1, 2023 through May 2, 2024.
Kaleidoscope Theatre for Young People is a registered Canadian Charity, 11897 6885 RR0001


  • As a not-for-profit charity, Kaleidoscope Theatre is grateful for our many committed volunteers, who share their time, enthusiasm, and talent with us. Volunteers play an invaluable role in the success of our company. Thank you!

  • Ikhlas Alasso
  • Mariajosé Aleglez
  • Jessica Burdge
  • Zoë Carroll
  • Arleen Cai
  • Jesse Charmley
  • Alistar Dhaul
  • Evie Faber
  • Michael Forbes
  • Yvette Guigueno
  • Kristen Iversen
  • Donna Jones
  • Erica Kjekstad
  • Makaeda Kelleway-Proulx
  • Daria Lannuzzi

  • Olivia Maillet
  • Elena Marchesan
  • Leonardo Marcoluca
  • Amy Marson
  • Abi Marson
  • Hailey Marson
  • Noelle Mason
  • Maria-Luisa Mastursi
  • Eshita Meduri
  • Heather Mislang
  • Elizabeth Monk
  • Julia Morgenstern
  • James Murray
  • Laurie Noel
  • Justine Peel

  • Best Pongsiripipat
  • Cameron Reid
  • Doug Rundell
  • Alana Rundell
  • Tricia Rundell
  • Francesca Saba
  • Laura Silva
  • Rich Scales
  • Kizuna Tagi
  • Ciaran Volke
  • Bethany Wilson
  • Carmen Jones
  • Liz Allen
  • Bruna Silveira

Our People


Pat Rundell – Executive & Artistic Director

Amanda Millar – Director of Business and Development

Shea O’Connor – Education Director

Lindsey Schneider – Front of House Manager

Kendra Bidwell – Programs Assistant

Abby Corpus – Programs Assistant

Andrea Lemus – Audience Services

Darby Thorogood – Programs Assistant

Willy McCrea – Bookkeeper


Board of Directors

Bethany Wilson, President

Yvette Guigueno, Vice President

Erica Kjekstad, Treasurer

Laura Silva, Secretary

Cameron Reid, Director

Donna Jones, Director

James Murray, Director

Alysha Trinca-Taillefer, Director

Performing Arts Studio Faculty

Elijah Bell, Jordyn Beyer, Kendra Bidwell, Abby Corpus, Kaya Crumley, Theodore Falkiner, Chantal Gallant, Josh Graetz, Andrea Lemus, Nadia Lurie,Geoff Malcolm, Julie McGuire, Elena Marchesan,Dalton Nelson,Sophia Radford, Camély Rouleau, Jazmin Saunders Scales, Anna, van der Hooft, Jan van der Hooft

Season Technicians and Crew

Nadia Myroon. Alex Sangster, Jeremy Scott, Lexy Kimler, Christian Tervo, Melissa Harwood, Emily Trepanier, Alicia Shapalata, Kyle Beaudry, George Scott, Rebekah Johnson


Mary Jane Mosquito Set Construction

The Opera Shop at Pacific Opera Victoria. Painted by Amy Frueh and Jennifer Hedge.

Production Illustrations

Julie McLaughlin

Mary Jane Mosquito Photograhper

Veronica Bonderud


Splatters Art Studio, Amy Frueh, Event Service Production, Carousel Theatre for Young People, Esquimalt Parks and Recreation, Peninsula Co-Op

Kaleidoscope Theatre for Young People is a member of the Professional Association of Canadian Theatres and engages under the terms of the Canadian Theatre Agreement, professional adult Artists who are members of Canadian Actors' Equity Association.

Kaleidoscope Theatre for Young People is a member of the Professional Association of Canadian Theatres (PACT), The International Association of Theatre for Children and Young People (ASSITEJ), Canadian Association for the Performing Arts (CAPACOA), The Professional Arts Alliance of Greater Victoria, The Victoria Chamber of Commerce, Union Internationale de la Marionette.

Kaleidoscope Theatre for Young People

613 Pandora Avenue, Victoria, BC, V8W 1N8
250-900-8163 Box Office | 250-383-8124 Administration |

Charitable Donation Number: 11897 6885 RR0001