
Updates to Our COVID-19 Safety Plan

Kaleidoscope Theatre for Young People continues to evaluate our safety protocols surrounding COVID-19 and we have implemented some changes to ensure the safety of our staff, artists, students, and patrons during this time.

Youth Theatre Classes and Day Camp Programs at Kaleidoscope Theatre for Young People’s Performing Arts Studio (KPAS) continue to be offered in-person at the Kaleidoscope Arts Centre location in Downtown Victoria. Kaleidoscope Theatre for Young People’s COVID-19 and Communicable Disease Safety Policies are in effect and non-medical face masks are required indoors by all students and staff.

The health, safety, and wellbeing of our artists, staff, and patrons is of the utmost importance to us, and always has been.

By Order of the Provincial Health Officer (January 7, 2022) and in response to the risk of exposure to the COVID-19 virus and the Omicron Variant, we are re-implementing our COVID-19 Safety Plan that outlines procedures designed to protect and promote everyone’s health and safety.

The Provincial Health Officer has said that the Omicron variant has introduced significant uncertainty into the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the rapidly rising infection rates in British Columbia and experiences in other places have lead her to conclude that unless measures are put in place immediately to check the spread of Omicron there will be sufficient serious illness among the public to overwhelm the Province’s health care system, which is already operating beyond capacity.

We at KTYP continue to learn and assess our facility and programs in order to identify places where the risk of transmission is introduced. Our policies and safety plan are subject to change and will adhere to and follow all guidance and orders from the BC Public Health Officer and Island Health.

Kaleidoscope Theatre for Young People recognizes that youth arts education programs, rehearsals, and public performances / gatherings are not inherently safe activities. The health, safety, and wellbeing of our artists, staff, students, and patrons is of the utmost importance. It is for this reason that KTYP will continue to follow strict protocols to reduce the risk of transmission pf COVID-19 and other communicable diseases between artists, staff, and patrons.

Kaleidoscope Theatre for Young People’s office and studios are currently closed to the public. All meetings with staff and visitors must be pre-arranged and are by appointment only.

We ask that you let us help you:

By phone 250.383.8124

Email at info@kaleidoscope.bc.ca

The information in this Safety Plan is subject to change at any time to meet the changing environment and Public Health Orders.

Read Our Detailed COVID-19 Safety Plan and Policies Here

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